
Original Japanese Literature Genre

What Is Kitan?

Japanese literature has a long history, dating back to the seventh century. Because Japan is an island country, it has fostered a unique culture. The Japanese language is also distinctive compared with other languages. It has its own literary modes like Waka and Haiku. Japanese literature has an important cultural position even in modern times.

Kitan is a literary genre unique to Japan. It includes ghost stories, psychic stories, otherworldly creatures, etc. Anything that is surrealistic is also categorized under Kitan. In Japan, the works of Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kyoka Izumi, Yakumo Koizumi, and Ogai Mori could be classified as part of the Kitan genre. Overseas, the works of Edgar Allan Poe in the United States and Franz Kafka in Germany fall under the category of Kitan.

Environmental Issues in Publishing

Environmental problems such as global warming have become widespread. It is time for each of us to tackle these issues seriously on an individual basis. The major problem with publishing is paper manufacturing, which destroys the environment. Giant swaths of forest haves been cut down, and a great deal of fossil fuel is consumed to make a book. By making e-books more popular, the publishing business contributes to protecting the environment.

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